TV Revolution in my living room

Why all this? Well I am actually SAVING money. Yes £21 a month to be exact.
I am already a subscriber to Spotify Premium, NetFlix and an Amazon Prime member. So on Virgin I was an XL tv subscriber (over 800+ channels) and a Medium Broadband (20MB) user.
Too much? Yeah I thought so too.
Now in order to persuade Sugarpie, I had to come up with a plan. She would STILL be able to watch her weekly episodes of Real Housewives of [Wherever] and at the same time increase the broadband speed and reduce cost..
The solution.
Amazon Prime is inclusive of a instant Videos & series - so Is Netflix.
But Virgin TV was under used - it is basically a tool for watching Real Housewives and record some series that can easily be found on demand online - Dr Who is available on BBC iPlayer.
Music can be streamed through spotify and with a little thing called 'unlocator' I was able to convince Sugarpie to watch her Series on Hulu!